River Runner...
documents for the first time ever, a series of catastrophic events, that have been shrouded in secrecy since the mid 1950’s. This is the true story of the plight of the wild Atlantic salmon on the River Lee in southern Ireland. This dilemma is lucidly and animatedly explained by a world class salmon angling expert, Alan Nolan, who is at home on the lower reaches of the river Lee. Further upstream beyond two damsconstructed in the 1950’s another secret cloaked for a half a century is explained byenvironmental & ecology expert Kevin Corcoran. The Gearagh is an inland river forest delta one of only four on our blue planet. Several hundred acres of this ancient forest especially age old oaks and yew trees were clear felled. A unique community of Irish speaking forest dwellers, 39 homes and farmsteads, were issued compulsory purchase orders. The houses were dynamited out of existence. The question has never been answered whether this was necessary for the sake of progress?
Two years in and out of boats and canoesin what was one of the worst winters on record 2013/14 , the cameras rolled continuously to unravel the untold secrets of southern Ireland’s Lovely Lee River.